Game Level Designer

Dim City- Far Cry Editor

Dim City

Personal Project - Level Design

Level Design Document

  • Created level using the FarCry Arcade Editor

  • Using Ubisofts assets to decorate the level

  • Designed three distinct areas for different player pacing experiences


This is a 2-week personal project where I play around the far cry 5 map editor. This is the first time playing a game map editor since I usually work on my design in Unreal. On the early several days, I spent most of my time playing around with the features and see what is possible to do in this editor. The far cry game editor has a lot of hidden features. One of my favorite features is the fabricated assets. I played around with a bunch of assets and saw what is possible to do and what is fun around. Later, I tried to find some inspiration for a theme/setting and potential gameplay loop that can be merged well together.

When I start designing, my emphasis on this level is to create a different experience in every section. There are three whole sections: Street, Apartment and Dock. Each of them has their own pacing and gameplay, and each of them required different gameplay comparing to each other regarding enemy vs. player distance. Street is the first section that is more open space. It gives the player more time to strategize their next move. Apartment is a bit packed up where players and enemies distance are quite close which they have to react a bit faster, but there will be more barriers around. Dock will be available once you have defeated the target at the end of apartment section. Dock is a somewhat free-form yet intense area, where player has the options to either flee straight to the exit or battle with the remaining enemies.